
Saturday, October 31, 2009

hi everyone!
this is ellyne here.
yesterday was the last day of school!
supposingly everyone should be happy but,
yea no more 2e2 09' lerhhs.
cos next year all of us are going separate wayys. :(
but even though we are from diff classes,
we must still contact each other yah!
and i applied for 3e3 cos i noe i cant get into 3e2.
and surely i will be separated from you all.
i will miss everyone single one in 2e2.
even those queit ones that taught me how to do stuff
i wantto thank 2e2 and i think posting here would be better than my blog.
i'm not copying you.
cos i already prepare last week liao.
haha~ (:

AILN : She's one of the members in the siao siao gang HAHAS! and miss yiew put me near her to teach me. hahas thanks for your stapler! LOL!

AISYAH : Even if you caused trouble last time, well lets just forgive and forget. you are funny at times and i will always remember you and your singing voice. HAHA.

AMIRUL : the noisy one -.- sometimes so irritating yet sometimes funny. don't be too much of a nuisance. affect your studies! :X

APRIL : also one of the sisters gang hahas! once my close friend cos we disturb ernest last time during sec 1 remember? HAHAS!! i will always remember that. and i've never regretted making peace with you (:

ASHIQIN : the one beside me! HAHA. i love her cos everyone i never listen wad teacher say. i will ask her :X next time u need mirror ask me also okay!!! lol :D

ATIQAH : once my best friend too! but in the end not soo close anymore. but i will always remember our friendship last time ;}

BELDRIC : haha. helped me to found out things about boys Lol. and sometimes asking me for candy >.
CHARINA : the so called new comer in 2e2. fun right? hahas. even though i'm not close to you. just take care! =)

CHRISTINE : the person sitting infront of me hahas. thanks for helping me sometimes and thanks for your blog skins help during sec 1. remember? hahas (:

DESIREE : as u see. everyone knows we are always together. HAHA!!

DIJIE : i can't believe we were so lame not making friends last year. LOL. but yeah it's fun and without you and ur whole gang 2e2 would be soo queit. and thanks for asking about me and keeping my secrets! hahas (:

EMBER : ber ber! hahas. recess always eat with youu. lol~ thanks for teaching me science especially the chemical equations thingy! (: study hard :D

ERNEST : aiya this wierd and funny boy. lol last long with _________. LOL!

FARRELL : one of the band brothers. lol so queit until i dono wad to say 0_0

HAZEL : thank you soooo much for teaching me during dance and in sch hahas!

HILMI : bangs boy! HAHA. you are one of the funniest boy in 2e2 and without you and ur funny and lame jokes it would be wierd. hahas!

JAN : so friendly derhs. LOL every time see me always say hi :D and always protect me from sheng han. hahhaahaha.

JERMAINE : my beloved chairman. LOL. you've been the greatest friend cos u are always helping me and you do ur best for the class ^^ last long with ____________. BWAHAHA.

JOCELYN : not so close so just work hard for next year haha (:

JUSTIN : if your voice wasn't so LOUD. loL! jkjk. jiayous for next year =D

MARIELLE : first of all. i LOVE her drawings. haha! she's friendly and kind. take care!

MINQIAN : one of the siao siao gang again. hahas. not so close but happy working with u during lit drama. LOL.

PEIQIN : thanks for teaching me dance. haha.

PENGHUI : always kachiao u derhs. LOL! don be so quiet and violent :X

RACHEL : not so close but work hard yeahh!!! (:

SALIKIN : last year he was my "daddy" hahas! even though you always scold me and not happy but i will always remember you as a funny friend and ur actions are always making me laugh. haha!

SHIHUI : nth much la. LOL. hope to see u next year same class again (?) HAA.

SHAWN : he noe's my secrets but they never leak out. LOL! thanks for keeping them and i will always remember u for helping me last time hahas (:

SHENGHAN: HEYYY!!! HAHA. thanks for giving US joy since sec 1. lol ps if we too much liao lorhhs . lol :X

SHUYI : TEACH ME CANON IN D AND THANK YOU! HAHAHAH. how i wish we got more time and u can teach me somemore x.x

SYAZWAN : ^^ this funny more causing trouble forever. lol! i'll miss you!!

VINCENT : not so close and continue to work hard even though u top in our class! LOL

WANNING : take good care yeahh haha

WANSIA : we were quite close during a time rite? hahas. thanks for helping me find out the name LOL!!

WEIXIANG : innocent boy LOL. work hard laa :D

WILSON : friends since primary school. work hard for ur maths lorhs haha!

XUANRONG : not very close haha. but will remember u too!

YONGHONG : i rememberd calling him wu gui wang ba dan LOL. take care (:

ZHANYUAN : rememberd i called u one wierd word lol! and always disturb me -_-

ZOEY : HEY YOU! HAHAS. my first friend in GSS leh! don worry i will always remember you and any problems can talk to me :D

MISS YIEW : MY LOVE LOVE LOVE FORM TEACHER! SHE'S DA BEST. so BOOMSZX! LOL. there's so many things i wanna thank you for hahas!


remember sec 1 when hui xian ( i think ) pretended to fall and shawn they all carried her up and in the end it was a lie? LOL! and the good times we had during the orientation plus syazwan and salikin carried me during a game. that was when syazwan treadted me so well lorhs LOL!

sec 1 camp was fun cos many things happen lol! dijie shoe got lost. HAHA. and me and desiree were crapping in the tent disturbing zoey when she was sleeping :X and poor ember had to suffer. SORRY! ><"

sec 2 camp i didnt go but i noe all of you had fun!!

and everyone will always remember salikin "called" the ambulance cos his leg got cramp HAHA.
and how amirul always got scolded by english teacher especially.

and i'm not bring a busybody here. i'm wishing that the sisters gang won't fight anymore hahas!
and including everyone in 2e2. no more fights okay? stay united ^^

and 2e2 always got scolded together.

and we are 2E2ians cos we are THEUNITEDONES!



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