
Sunday, August 30, 2009

hey it's Rachel :D

tomorrow is Teachers' Day celebration as well as Aces Day dance day (that sounds confusing (?))!~

Remember - bring your p.e shirts tomorrow. If you're wearing p.e to school, remember to bring your uniform too as we are required to change back T_T
School ends at 12.30pm tomorrow (would be nicer if it ends at 12.34pm lol) so yeay~
There's only Art lesson tomorrow too, so yeah.

Happy late birthday to Zoey too.

[updated my blog :D]

An early happy teacher's day.

Hello! :D Random picture i did , haha.
Just wanna early wishes to all teachers , a happy teacher's day! :)
Have a good rest on tuesday, haha.
Anyway Ms Yiew , never visit our class blog one :( Lol

I'm watching okto now, got alot sec1 gss students on tv, :O
Okay, bye. Being random & crapping here again :P


Saturday, August 29, 2009

hey guys!
It's Rachel again :D
I told ya I'll update this blog frequently so it won't be dead.

We got back our Lit exams today, right?
How did you guys dooo?
I did really bad :(

Remember to bring your PE shirts on Monday coz' it's ACES DAY!
And don't come to school on Tuesday. There is no school. It's time for the teachers to take a break~!

Burning question: Is it Teachers' Day or Teacher's Day?
I prefer Teachers' Day but I'm not sure if it's correct.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

hey ya guys this is Rachel~
I will be updating the class blog often ^^v
Anyway, please check my blog to poll on something there and read my posts^^
it's at the links

Teachers' Day is next week! *hint hint*
have all of you voted for the GTA? I think it's closed now so yeah but I hope that the best teacher will win!

For the Basic Chinese students (me too), how was your Chinese oral?
I fainted.

All the best! ^^

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

booo !
Shiqin here .
blog song UPDATED , and i change the blogskin .
hope its nice .
ok , buuuuuuuhbye .
rachel , i link ur blog in the class blog already .(:

Monday, August 24, 2009

boooo !
Shiqin here .
er , nuthin to do , so i wil jus post laa ehk .
examination is finally finish , except for english on wednesday .. -.-
jus now we received maths and science paper , good thing i did good , i was happy when ms yiew said the whole class pass for science and 38 ppl got A1 , yea ! for maths , those who did not do so well , do study hard and pass maths wif flying colours for EOY .:D
ok , tats all .
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuhbye .
btw , those posting on class blog , do put your names so we know who is posting , tanx .(:


Friday, August 21, 2009

Wa long time i nv update le :)

Anyway, common test is finally unoffically over..
due to the next wed english test :\
Hope all of you guys did well ^^ & for those who never did well at some subj,
including me, let's work doubly or triple hard for the eoy :)


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

ellyne here!
first post yah.
nth much to post also but just wanted to contribute to class bloggy X)
see that pic on top?
the one that is always disturbing us during lessons?
please please please stare at him lots when he disturbs us!
don worry. he is sooo damn afraid of going near girls.
anw, if things get worst. Desiree has plan :O
not acting step here.
but he's a damn ass T.T

Anyone play audi here?
add me kayys!
or if u see a girl
must must add me!
but my fren is playing for me currently :D

jiayous everyone for common test alrights!
tmr maths and science.
keep the teacher proud! <3

wanna go play audi lerhs. LOL X)
cya alls!

Mr chong is loved by ELLYNE

Thursday, August 13, 2009


booo !
Shiqin here .
er , noone updating blog , -.-
im updating the blog for fun , cause nuthin to do , 2moro PW , need stay back till around 6.30pm ? im not sure . hope we make lots of money ! and hope our products will be sold out :D
ok , i donno wat to say laa , so i will jus stop here . good luck for 2moro yeah guys !:D
btw , for those who want to link their blogs here , tell me . cause im always checking out the blog and i will link ur blog here if u want to .
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhbye .(:


Saturday, August 8, 2009

booo !
Shiqin here .
i change class blogskin , nice anot ? if its too bright tell me aites .
the song i put random , i donno wat song to put . jus change it if u wan to . for those who wan to link their blogs , tag here or jus tell anione or me to link ur blog for you .
ok , buuhbye .

Friday, August 7, 2009

Anyone got 2e2 pictures? Not camp ones.
Others, like in class or etc. Send to my email or online @ christinejiamin@hotmail.com
Thanks, nid it to make a vid.