
Sunday, September 27, 2009


i've updated our class list, adding our class tee nicks to it.

BUT only to 5 people (incl. me), because i don't know the rest. sorry!

maybe next week when i see you guys i'll just ask for yours~

:D Rachel.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


hey hellooooo

today's math remedial was fun right? celebrating mrs soon's birthday with the cake and all :D


having a outing straight after the eoy would be fun, right?
haha kidding. we already have a pending camp.

ok fine, i'm just updating the class blog to make it more alive~ altho my personal blog is dying haha.

most of you probably got your class tees already.

yahoo ^^v


Friday, September 25, 2009

sorry guys it's me again, rachel lol.

the blogskin by ashiqin is so niceee right? haha~

anyway, if you actually experience some advertisment pop-ups, it's probably due to the tagboard. because if you click on tagboard (aka footsteps), an ad comes out. then if you click on links and tagboard back again, another ad comes out. it's kinda annoying...

anyway, i have no idea how to fix it TT_TT
does anyone know how? if not we'll just have to live with it.


no drama tomorrow people.
but i think there's math.


boooo !
Shiqin here .
this is the 101th post , and the second post for today after Rachel's post :D
i have edited the class blogskin , cos Ellyne asked me to , haha :D and i change the song too , nice rite ? and the singer is handsome too , lol :D
okay , please comment if it is nice or not . thanks . :D
buuuuuuuuuuuuuhbye .


hey, it's rachel~

anyway, it might sound lame and all, but...


actually this one is the 100th one, so yeahhhh!

i know i only came in late with all the posting and all, so cheers to those who wrote earlier~

this was what i wanted to fulfill earlier, and yeay!


wish you the best for your eoy and get your target marks! <3

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

E-L-L-Y-N-E HERE!~ x)
exam coming soon lerhs!
how's everyone doing?
jyjy exam kayy!~
ohimhigh ._.

tmr mdm heng going see us!
all be " good girl and boy " okay.
including me too! X(

hmmm just wanna make the blog alive,
so i shall end here! :D

Sunday, September 20, 2009

whoops sorry people if there was a serious confusion.

in short, just click your name and check if it's okay.


for yong hong and zhan yuan, i remember REALLY clearly that i did for you two... hmm... i'll do it right away~

Saturday, September 19, 2009

LOL. music class. so stupid lahh. record awhile only cos scared cher see.

CYA! can someone explain to me what is rachel saying? -,-


if you noticed, the names at the corner are different, hurray!

i've painstakenly edited and added a new feature, the expanable profile thingy!

now people will know your gender!

lol kidding.

sooooo, can you help me check if...
-your name's correct,
-your gender's correct,
-your gender colour is correct,
-your cca is correct
and lastly,
-are you in it?

and also, please help me check for the person on top and below you.
any problems just tag and i'll solve it.

and lastly, if you have any requests (like putting the nicknames we have on our class tees or putting our birthdays or putting our register numbers on the expanable thing), tag it too. i'll try to do it^^
but i need everyone's bds/nicks/reg. no.s so it's kinda troublesome.

ohoh yeah, if you also wanna change anything, like maybe you think pink is too girly or blue is too macho (?) for you, tag it too.
like for eg, if you think "Eww~ altho i'm a guy, blue looks too weird for me (?)~" just tell me, and what colour you want to change into. "hey rachel, i think blue is weird and i want it to be in hot pink." but try to like it, because it's weird if you have hot pink-guy symbol.

{UPDATE} I also did it to the teachers one, so check it out yo! lol.

Rachel signing off~

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The class the, the '2e2'o9' is red wordings. Not the star.
And the names will be bigger.

yahyah, i needa go ler. Bye.


Hello 2e2s, minqian here to show you the design of our class tee.

( click to enlarge )

this will the be the class tee for 2e2'o9. eh, the colour for the 2e2'o9 ( in the star ) will be red. the wordings size will be larger. as it was computerise (?) , so it wont be tht accurate. if there's objection or disliking please navigate at the tagboard. we will try to ask for more designs. and also, give some ratings.
To those who still havent pay the $ :
please pay us asap, reason is that, we need to pay it when we go to collect the tee. the tee will be done lastest by next week friday if nothing went wrong in between.

with regards, sms me / dijie @ 92304355 / 97729376 respectively.

P.S, lousy english.

i'm updating again~ yahoo ==

i'm trying to achieve something with this blog before the year ends so i'm updating~

i have something that i wanna say now,
this blog is so dead.

haizzz. this blog won't be alive next year, because we all seperated T^T

oh yeah, i set the blog time to our singapore time a week ago so now all our post dates and times are correct~

bye :D

[edit] whoops i forgot, i'm rachel~

Monday, September 14, 2009

ellyne here!~ (:
how's everyone after the holidays?
today very the slack hahas!,
how many more weeks till exam?!
awww man!
quickly go study!
( and im not! )
1 week holidays over lerhs!
but at least in school got friends :D

tmr is hair check! ( i think? )
all the girls especially. HAHA.
including me!
clip clip hair.

50 bucks for class things LOL.
not so ex alr lurhhs.
once in a while ke yi de larhs! :x

well, i gtg~~

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hey everyone, Dijie's here. I've been to Jurong Point with Minqian today, and we've checked the price and whatever shit with the uncle. As last time i've told you it's about $18, but now it's $20. Sorry for the inconvinience(?) caused. Cause that time that auntie didn't count some of the things. It's the least already guys. Erm, i'll start collecting it on monday, if possible, bring your $20 alright. Those people who ordered must pay hor. I'll need to collect $390 by tuesday, cause i have to pay the deposit. Anyway the total is $780, 2 person did not want to buy it. Kindda, irritating, wth. Okay, so, please pay up as soon as possible.
Cut short will be :

$20 per person.
By tuesday i have to collect $390,
in order to pay the deposit.
So please co-operate.
The tee will be made asap if the money is payed up.

Do not back out, cause i've already send in the order.

Okay, thanks.
Loved 2e2 by,
Dijie. [:

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hi everyone,
how has your holidays been? Though i think it isn't long enough to be called a holiday.. anyways, i am back again to give you the latest updates on camp... (haha, sounds like news channel.. )

if the chalet is on november 2 to 4 ( which is monday to wednesday) is it okay??

and on wednesday itself, we have to check out of the resort by 10.30am. so i am thinking, if you all still want to play, we can just like either get a big mat or a tent, dump everything inside.. leave someone to guard ( i think shawn offered to right? )... and then continue to do what ever you want till whatever time.. but it is all in ur own timing.. no one is responsible can? or maybe play till lunch or something then we all go home together..

Oh. i'll start collecting the $30 on monday, will keep it in a box or envelop and take it with me... but try and give it to me during the breaks in between lesson so that i can tick your name off the class list.

Oh ya... if you do have financial difficulties.. ( please be honest) come and tell me and i'll see what i can do.. however, you will still have to play a sum but it won't be as big.

Food... err.. you guys want the meaty package right? but some ppl want to go out and buy.. i know what, i will get a group of ppl and we shall go to the supermarket write down all the prices and add them up.. if it is really better than we shall go buy.. okay??

okay.. i think that is all.. and if you want o check out the chalet and it's facilities, you can go to : http://www.costasands.com.sg/web/ourResorts/
and our resort is the one in Pasir Ris.. and please don't book.

any more questions, you an email them to me at : emberloh1@yahoo.com.sg

kk, see ya on monday ppl...


OH OH.... Naz and Krystle have confirmed that they are going to come. =D so do come yea... even if you can only make it for the BBQ..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I have nothing to post , maybe just wanna upload some overdue pictures :)
Oh ya, i have no mood to study leh, anybody can motivates me? Lol
Any good skills to study, :O i need help from pro LOL.
Kay lah, shall stop crapping :)

Amillion thanks.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

second day of holidays.
ohitssobored!~ x.x
see this face?
it means im bored to death

today lit was fun yehs?
especially pepsi cola 123! HAHA.
ashikin won 2 times.
she so small off cos easy.
no offence yahhs!
oh well at least i didnt lose so early haha :3

how's the holiday hw?
i haven touched it yet.

i cant wait for chalet and class tee!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


short post.

it's the sept holidays~ (actually it starts only on monday but whatever)
take this holiday week to study more for the eoy exams because it's coming soon~


enjoy your holidays~


Friday, September 4, 2009

today 2e2 played ice man yeahs?
i took a video once. HAHA
it was so fun.
i cant catch salikin and syazwan >.>
and only gang bang then can HAHA.


Chalet planning is great.
and yeah 30 dollar is quite little worhs!
2E2 <3


Thursday, September 3, 2009

hello guys
- it's rachel.

i really really want you guys to go to the camp, so pleaseeeee?

~$30 is already really cheap you know, because i had to pay around $138 for a camp the last time i went there, for 3 days and all.
& since it's the last year together, pleaseeeee.
at least make it to the BBQ?

anyway, we had to do the streaming exercise today right? the tryouts only.
i wish you guys can go into your targeted class for next year~^^

& the song, there are 2 songs at the playlist, heal the world and billie jean. heal the world was sang by a particular korean group in english (if you know who, cheers~), and billie jean was repeatedly imitated by another particular second favourite in another band. but whatever, i don't think you guys really care.
r.i.p, michael jackson.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

heyyy it's Rachel again~
how was your day~?

Anyway, i really wish all of you can go to the camp. if not possible, at least most of you?
i really want to spend our last few days together happily, because i've grown too deeply attached to you guys these past 2 years. so we should take some pictures together and all, kay'? i hope i don't cry XD

and i really, really hope Miss Yiew comes too. it'll be fun, i guess.

i changed the blog song because i heard a certain person sing it and i had to put the original singer~ so if you guys don't like it, i'll take it off. i saved the previous song~

& a certain person told me that another certain person told her it's opposite day today.

Hi guys...
I'm back... with more news on the camp/chalet/outing/Whatever u wanna call it..
I figured that the best time to go is the 1st week of nov... cause after that, on the 2nd or 3rd week i going m'sia already.. so. 2-6 nov.. which is best for u guys? pick 3 days.. then tell me okay..
and.. Naz and Krystle have said that they would try to make it. but ms yiew and mrs soon hasn't said anything..

right, here are the ppl who wanna go so far. :
Myself. Wan Sia. Jermaine. Ernest. Beldric. Jan. Zhan Yuan. Wei Xiang. Farrell. Justin. Yong Hong. Syazwan. Salikin. Xuan Rong. April. Dijie. Zoey. Ailn. Wan Ning. Shu Yi. Rachel. Atiqah. Min Qian.

anyone else want to go??? cause i need to calculate the cost and all for u guys to pay and what not. oh and the tentative itinerary.
Day 1:
meet after lunch
Free games : cycling, volleyball, etc.
Night: games in chalet, or night cycling @ east coast. (this is up to you if u wanna do it)

Day 2:
Whole Day @ escape Theme Park.
Night: BBQ @ 6.30pm

Day 3: Games in the morning; cycling, etc.
check out of chalet at 12 noon.

so far so good? any other ideas, pls write them down on a piece of paper and pass them to me. =) however, i haven't decided on food, like on the first and last day like breakfast and stuff.. unless u wanna bring ur own. or not thennnn.... we can eat somewhere. but i dunno where... ideas???

kk, see ya tmr guys. hope ur having a nice day and MS YIEW:

I'm Ember, signing off.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


its tmr. hahahaha.

i think this post will be LOOOOONG.
cos i wanna thanks some teachers!

Some form teachers are not so loved by their class.
but 2e2 LOVES miss yiew like how she loves us (:
Her scolding
Her funny presentations.( the jokes)
Her games for bonding.
Her planning like letters to know us better.
Isnt that great?
1 year of form teacher and she does this.
And what's more?
she is just a new teacher! [ like as in the junior ]
It's a great job!
like, how many teachers in the world does more?
they can just do what they are supposed to do and go home!
H1N1. Miss Yiew gave us VITAMINS!
It shows care and concern, treating us like her kids.

The one that is always pushing and pushing us!
reminding our class to remain at our standards.
giving us assignments all the time!
its great yeahs!
she's simply a maths teacher.
like some other odinary ones.
but. we got the most papers from her.
answer sheets given.
our job - just to do.
think about it.
she does everything for us!
Even filing!
she keeps track of the worksheets and contents page.
telling us to copy.
and we just find them and file!
5%. WE GET IT.
staying back to push those weaker ones.
trying her very best to make 2e2 the best of all.

Well, for those ppl that go to mr chengs class.
you may not know him well.
but off cos u heard about those AHA. this that.
and ELLYNE and DESIREE are making the most nuisance. x.x
even though there are very little GOOD points about him. HAHA.
but i wanna thank him!
i hated hated Dnt soooooo much@!
ever since the day he stepped in,
he taught us english too! =P
" For crying out loud ", " dont jump the gun ".
He's great.... YEAH :D

thats all i got to say. LOL.
also thanking :

Mdm Leka
Mrs Chin
Mr Seah
Ms Quek
Mdm Li
Mdm Zou
Mdm Zainab
Ms Duga
Ms Chew
Mr Cheng

thanks for all the support and teaching!
2e2 has become brighter now all thanks to TEACHERS!
and we promise we will do our best in everything and make you all proud!

and and and
the three big teachers i name to thank.
is my GTA list.
so no offence for everything i said alrights!

hey~ it's Rachellll
snagging the Teachers' Day post muahaha

first things first: the Aces Day dance thingy was funny~ seeing only around 1/2 school dance together.

secondly, HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY TO ALL THE TEACHERS~ Incl. Miss Yiew, Mdm Leka, Mrs Soon etc! HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY EH EH EH EH EH (for those who know the tune, yeay~)

Remember,there's no school tomorrow so yeah :D

added Atiqah's blog to the links :D